Tattoo aftercare

General Tattoo aftercare

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us!


Leave the tattoo bandage overnight.

Remove bandage. If the bandage is stuck to the tattoo, place it under gently running water for removal — this will reduce the risk of damaging the tattoo.


Once the bandage is removed, using an unscented soap, wash the tattoo off VERY WELL with clean hands and warm soapy water. For large tattoos, or areas difficult to reach, it’s best to rinse the tattoo off in the shower.


Once the tattoo starts to get to the itchy stage (approx. 4-5 days), apply a thin amount of unscented water-based dry skin lotion (e.g. Lubriderm lotion — 24 hour moisture/fragrance free) to the tattoo 1-2 times a day.

The lotion should be a thin layer that absorbs quickly. Too much lotion will cause your new tattoo to scab excessively, and not allow it to breathe.


Somewhere between 3-6 days, the tattoo will start to flake off like tissue paper. DO NOT pick at or scratch the tattoo. Let the skin peel naturally. You will notice small pieces of dry skin containing colour coming off while using the lotion or washing the tattoo. This is normal — it is just the top layer of dead skin coming off. Your tattoo is not disappearing.

Call your artist if you have any questions or concerns regarding your tattoo.

do not:

  • Do not re-bandage a tattoo once the bandage is completely removed.

  • Do not allow direct sunlight on tattoos for the first 2-3 weeks.

  • Do not pick or scratch a tattoo while it is peeling.

  • Do not swim, take a bath, or enter a hot tub or sauna for the first month or until the tattoo is completely healed.

  • Do not shave or wax the area until the tattoo is completely healed.

  • Do not apply Vaseline (petroleum jelly), alcohol, healing, ointments (Polysporin), or sunblock to a fresh tattoo.

Some extra stuff:

  • Once you leave the shop, proper care of your tattoo is your responsibility.

  • Small amount of colour may appear on clothing or sheets for the first few days.

  • When the tattoo is peeling, colour will appear in pieces of dry skin.

  • If the tattoo is in an area where it can be exposed to the air, allow it to breathe. Allowing the tattoo to breathe will help the healing. Your body and oxygen are going to heal the tattoo. If possible, wear loose clothing over the tattoo and be careful not to suffocate it with socks or pantyhose.

second skin bandage

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us!


Leave the tattoo bandaged for 6 days.

To remove bandage, peel all corners and edges. Peel away from self slowly.

This bandage is permeable, and as such your tattoo is already beginning to heal underneath it.

You can shower with the bandage on and it will be unaffected.


Be careful — as the fluid buildup can leak from the bandage, please be aware of sheets and clothing.

The best thing to do once the bandage is on is to just leave it be for the duration of time it is to be left on, assuming there are no air bubbles or fluid build-up.


There may be adhesive left on your tattoo; gently rub it off the tattoo.

Wash the skin after removal making sure to properly clean off with unscented soap on a bare hand and then pat dry with a clean/new towel.

WARNING: As your new tattoo is tender, removal of this bandage may be uncomfortable.

do not:

  • Do not peel bandages up or down.

  • Do not peel aggressively because this may cause damage to a new tattoo or skin.

  • Do not pick at the bandage.

  • Do not constantly touch the bandage.

Please Note:

  • You may find some irritation around the bandage area — this can be normal. If irritation persists, please contact the shop and/or a doctor as it may be an allergic reaction to the bandage itself or the adhesive.